• Music Therapy Master of Arts (Augsburg University GER)
• Heilpraktiker Psychotherapy (HPrG, GER)
• Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR-Munich, GER)
• New Brain Sciences & Trauma Treatment (NICABM Institute, US)
• New Brain Sciences & Mindfulness (NICABM Institute, US)
• New Brain Sciences & Willpower (NICABM Institute, US)
• Frequency Elevation on the principles of Dieter Brörs, GER
• The Science of Sound Healing (David Gibson, US)
• Polivagal Embodiment Training (Polivagal Academy GER)
• Silva Ultramind Method (Mindvalley Academy, US) 
• Idiolectic Training (LMU Klinikum München)
• Early Childhood Development (Landratsamt, Bad Tölz, GER)
• Geomorphology / Geography (Al.I.Cuza University Iasi RO)
• Applied Environmental Research Design (Univ. Paris VII, FRA)
• Business Communication (Daimler Chrysler & T-Systems Int. Training, GER)
• Sales & Leadership (Daimler Chrysler & T-Systems Int. Training, GER)


• Therapy: Psychosomatic, Chronic Pain & Associated Distress, Trauma, Palliative therapeutical support

• Mindfulness for Children, Families & Educational Institutions

• Processes of Transition: support in life shifting conditions for individual and groups for children, adults & business organizations 

• Ceremonial gatherings, sound & voice rituals

• Personal Development: Team Building, Leadership & Creativity, Team Resilience & Self-Confidence, Non-Verbal Communication,  Implementing Sales Processes & Tools in International & Multidisciplinary Environments

• Lecturer/ Mentor: 

Resilience Building Through (polivagal) Embodiment & Voice

Integrative multimodal sound & frequency therapy & Voice Alchemy

Reprocessing Chronic Pain & Anxiety through sound & frequencies

Quantic Familial Constellations 

Creative Mindfulness for children, families & businesses

Sound & Music Therapy in Palliative Care Setting.

It is a great pleasure to meet you in this field of both potential and manifested vibration !

My mission is to show you easy, fast and effective methods to reactivate the connection to your inborn wisdom & your higher identity, so you can easily use the power of your vibrations in order to deliberately create a joyful & meaningful life!

In this world I also serve as translator of higher frequencies into sound & music and as creator of sacred spaces for regeneration and healing, by just allowing the inner vibration to rise. I believe that anybody can learn to create this sacred space of healing and manifesting well being, because vibration is the very origin of our human nature!

I am so eager to meet you and navigate with you towards high vibrations!