You have the ability to change & maintain frequencies through focus.



Just like anyone who came in this life, you are part of the greatest universal game ever: THE VIBRATIONAL QUEST. Whether it's about emotional interactions, personal achievements, creative processes, or even a physical touch, everything in life involves an exchange of energy (vibration). In fact, our vibration is the most precious resource each of us possesses. Do you want to become a true competent player, aware of your own power to govern your vibrations? 

Just remember: 

Everything is kept in shape by frequencies..
We humans constantly produce frequencies through our thoughts & emotions.
Frequencies can be dissonant or consonant to each other, so they produce different effects.
When frequencies interfere, the strongest one prevails.
This is the base understanding to start your transformation.

If you want to:
✓ Transform resistance into determination
✓ Regain your willpower, clarity and positivity
✓ Become the true owner of you frequencies, i.e. emotions & thoughts
✓ Regain the control over states such as anxiety, stress, pain, social isolation 
& disconnection, depression, addiction.
✓ Develop self-trust, safety & resilience when dealing with challenging situations
✓ Create relationships of trust and love, based on reciprocity and ease
✓ Empower your career and explore the exciting possibilities of life
✓ Become the deliberate creator of a meaningful reality
    then you are in the right place! 

By understanding and adjusting the vibrations of your thoughts and feelings, you can better align with your personal well-being and growth. Why? because vibrations get in resonance with information that vibrate on the same length-wave, creating in interaction to eachother a real portal through which that information will become reality. This is all you need to know to get started. 

Since the beginning of my therapeutic work in 2012, it has been clear that only a unified approach could truly address the complexity within our human beings and deliver success for my clients and patients. Through years of intensive practice across various healthcare fields, I have focused on empowering clients to activate their self-healing abilities. Collaborating with dedicated therapists and medical specialists, I developed the integrative, multimodal Sound & Frequency Therapy.
This interdisciplinary approach addresses every layer of our human experience — body, mind in the context of familial, social and spiritual systems — fostering your creativity and supporting your overall well-being. I am honored to have this program implemented in prominent healthcare institutions, such as Klinikum Ludwig Maximilian / Universität München and Klinikum Freising, as well as specialized therapy centers and groups.

of chosing the Integrative, Multimodal Sound & Frequency Therapy:

✓ Cutting-Edge Insights: Yes, I am in love with our human nature and with our ability to perceive something greater than our human condition - which is called "spirituality". I enjoy the progress of science and everything about healing!. And I love to see others grow around me! So here you will benefit from the latest advancements in applied neuroscience, positive psychology, systemic therapy, sound therapy, frequency (energetic) therapy, and somatic-oriented approaches, for they are implemented in the integrative, multimodal therapy. 

✓ Holistic, Easy-to-Go Approach: Navigate your challenges through a comprehensive process, making complex concepts easy to understand and apply, using a multimodal perspective (including your body, movement, posture, breath, voice, awareness, neural connectivity, psychodynamic as well as your spiritual understanding) 

✓ Empowerment and Self-Regulation: Develop essential skills for self-regulation and self-empowerment, helping you achieve balance and resilience in your daily life.

✓ Individual Approach to Healing and Personal Evolution: because your process of transformation is unique! 

✓ No Prior Knowledge Required: Start with confidence as the program requires no preliminary knowledge, making it accessible and effective for everyone.


Consistent frequencies create profound and transformative experiences. Steady, focused vibrations help synchronize brainwave activity, enhance relaxation, and facilitate deep healing, making them a cornerstone of effective sound and frequency therapy. 
These frequencies may come either from a source OUTSIDE of your body, or can be produced WITHIN you, with the power of your focus. 
The first approach will bring you the experience to re-calibrate and harmonize. for a certain period of time.
The seccond one, will bring you the ability to independently switch frequencies and maintain your vibration on long-term. 
It is the deliberate modulation of your own frequencies that makes the shift to your freedom! 
Building such neural connections is so empowering! Such practices enhance your neuroplasticity, allowing your brain to reorganize and adapt more effectively, which supports greater mental flexibility, resilience. cognitive and emotional well-being!  

Using the integrative, multimodal Sound & Frequency Therapy you will:

Understand the root causes of your behavioural patterns and symptoms.
✓ Identify Hindering Patterns and Triggers: Effectively manage and alleviate symptoms by recognizing and addressing underlying patterns and triggers.
✓ Restore and Reinforce Your Resources: Rebuild and strengthen your internal resources for better resilience.
 Engage in deep and rapid transformation through multimodal approaches that utilize various sensory and expression channels.
✓ Develop an Effective Self-Regulation Toolkit engaging your vagus nerve through voice, breath, posture, and movement 
✓ Reinforce New Neural Pathways: Strengthen healthier neural pathways and connections in your brain, supporting the creation of new habits that promote well-being.
✓ Deepen Emotional Understanding: Navigate your emotional landscape with greater ease and create authentic relationships
✓ Enhance Focused Attention: Develop skills to direct your attention in ways that support healing and personal growth.
✓ Trust Your Intuition: Access and trust your intuition, fostering the ability to go with the flow and connect more deeply with your creative side in daily activities.
✓ Learn how to guide yourself and others to experience a serene transition into the Eternal Journey using the power of sound and frequencies 
Apply the Resonance Principles to live your life with intention: Understand and apply the principles of resonance to manifest deliberately.

Here you can send your request / book a session with me, either online or in person, in Munich 80999: 

Languages: English & German

I am happy meeting you and your frequency!

What happens in the integrative, multimodal sound & frequency therapy? 

You are both surrounded by frequencies and producer of vibration. 

This form of therapy approaces both perspectives, of you being the receiver and sender of frequencies. 


Receiving frequencies.

Sound is a form of energy that has the power to create positive states and, conversely, also create discomfort, chaos or even cause harm. Here you will learn how to engage with sound and frequencies in a responsible, mindful way, and use them for your well-being in all aspects of life!. 

Have you ever asked yourself, why you react to frequencies at all? It's because you are a vibrating being! 

At the very source, we all are vibration. If you look at water’s response on sound / vibration, you may have an idea of what is going on at least on cellular level under the influence of sound & frequencies.

When you interact with sound and frequencies, a range of physiological and psychological processes occur, shifting your states on energetic, cellular, physiological and psychological level. There are plenty of processes that happen when you interact with sound & frequencies. They have the ability to shift your mood/emotions, state of consciousness and even physiology. 

Practicing on a solid ground and true understanding of sound and frequencies makes the difference, allowing you to experience real change! 

The integrative, multimodal sound & frequency therapy dives with you in the depth! 

During the receiving approach of the integrative, multimodal sound & frequency therapy you will learn how to: 

Understand the dynamic of your vibrational resonance

Increase or calm your brainwave activity to specific states (such as relaxation, focus, or deep sleep) / known as Brainwave Entrainment. 

 Improve your concentration, memory, mental clarity and focus targeting specific brainwave states

Modulate your vegetative nervous system using stimulis of sounds, frequencies & music

Reduce pain or discomfort by engaging with sound & music with following effects:
- influencing the brain's pain processing centers 
- endorphin Release (the body’s natural painkillers)
- lowering stress and anxiety levels (which are associated with pain!)
- moving the focus away from pain & providing a mental focus away from the discomfort, helping to shift attention.
- muscle Relaxation and improved circulation (which can contribute to pain relief and overall physical comfort)

Enter altered states of consciousness facilitating deep self-reflection, spiritual experiences, and profound relaxation
Allow cellular harmonization supporting cellular recovery 
Foster spiritual and energetic alignment: Many of my customers experience increasingly a sense of spiritual connection and alignment with their inner self.

There are many opinions regarding frequencies and their healing power, and science hasn't yet reached a unified conclusion. However, it is universally agreed that every structure which made it in our reality has its own frequency range that maintains its shape and functions, and that deviations from this frequency spectrum lead to changes. 
Cells and organs vibrate at various frequencies depending on their state and function. Numerous frequencies have been identified that can harmonize our physical and emotional well-being. Conversely, scientists have managed to destroy cells, amoebas, and parasites, using specific resonant frequencies devices, suggesting a future rich with possibilities for change, regeneration, and healing! 

Yet, what I consider more important is discovering why there was a decline in your well-being? This because even if you would benefit from recovery or healing through external frequencies, your initial cause will continue producing vibrational patterns (in form of thoughts & emotions). They could stem from negative core beliefs, blocked emotions, traumatic states, or inner conflicts. Together, we will implement frequencies that can restore your health and well-being, and which you can generate yourself, putting you back in control of your own vibration. You also learn to support your process by using sound and frequencies from external sources based on solid knowledge. 
My vision is for you to become the Governor of Your Own Frequencies, because the frequency you produce is the strongest active, creating vibration! 

This is the belief, the goal and intention of the Integral, Multimodal Sound and Frequency Therapy that I have been offering since the beginning of my therapeutical practice in 2012. Looking forward to meeting you and unfold your frequency potential!



Producing frequencies

Of all the sound and frequency approaches, this one most accurately reflects our human ability to perceive and translate inner vibrations and sensations into structured, fluid, rhythmic, or chaotic sound (audible to you). This active musical interaction cap tures our specific innate ability for creating and connecting with our inner states and with each other through sound communication.

Are you willing to uncover easily your behavior patterns, your ability to connect and relate, your capacity to forgive, or to discover how judgmental or playful you really are, along with many other insights? 

Here’s what you need to do: 

grab an instrument you’ve never seen before, and just start playing on it! You'll get a crash course in self-discovery and might even make a little music along the way! 

What happens in a sound therapy session when working with sounds, voice & instruments?

We do play with instruments you probably have never seen before and can engage with the voice as well. In this form of playful interaction you can observe your unconscious dynamic & behaviours because sound & music are activating your emotions faster than any other stimuli. That is why it's important to have a qualified specialist to guide you through it. 

When using this active form of integrative, miltimodal sound & frequency therapy, you actually transform your inner vibration into sound you can hear. Through this, a literally new level of discovery opens, allowing you to:

✓ Enhance self-expression, emotional exploration, and personal creativity through instrumental improvisation 
✓ Facilitate emotional release, expression, and self-discovery by using your voice in creative ways (vocal improvisation)
✓ Develop your self-reflection, personal insight, and emotional processing by creating or exploring personal narratives through music-based storytelling

✓ Promote focus, coordination, and stress relief, enhancing relaxation and well-being through rhythm and drumming:
✓ Encourage social interaction, teamwork, and collective creativity. by exploring collaborative & spontaneous playing on various instruments 
✓ Enhance connection with your own voice, emotional expression, and group cohesion through shared vocal experiences.such as vocal toning and singing. 
✓ Build social skills, fostering creativity, and providing engaging & fun experiences that recharge and inspire through interactive structured music-based games

✓ Mapp your emotions to your vocal expression through Qi Gong and voice work 

✓ Support empathy, perspective-taking, and collaborative problem-solving using music to role-play different scenarios or characters (musical role-playing)

Learn to calibrate your inner vibration so you create a powerful, steady vibration of aliveness, joy and inspiration

In both individual and group settings, the active work with sounds enhance differentiated emotional perception, expression, personal insight, and social connection. One of the most remarkable aspects of these experiences is the sensation of FLOW - reported basically in almost every session - and the attainment of altered or extended states of consciousness. Participants frequently describe feeling as though their actions are guided beyond their conscious control, with comments like, "I have no idea who moved my hand to play that." Others report profound states of spiritual connection, inner peace, and gratitude, underscoring the deep and transformative impact of these therapeutic practices. 


revealing amazing powers

Unlike the majotity of sound based therapies, the Integrative, Multimodal Sound & Frequency Therapy looks at the body as central to healing. Your body acts as a gateway to deep relaxation and transformation, holding onto past experiences and potential for future growth. By increasing body awareness, using breathing techniques, somatic tracking, exploring movement and postures as well as integrating sensory experiences, you can reconnect with and release stored emotions. 

This holistic approach supports self-regulation and personal growth, facilitating profound healing and well-being. 

What happens in a integrative, multimodal sound & frequency therapy session, when engaging with your body's wisdom?

Here ist what you will experience by engaging with the body in your therapeutic process:

✓ Increase awareness of bodily sensations and promote a deeper connection with oneself through body awareness techniques
✓ Regulate your nervous system, reduce stress, and enhance relaxation through breathing & toning techniques:
✓ Independently maintain and enhance your progress
by creating your own self-regulating toolkit 

✓ Allowing you a unified experience of your body and mind through embodiment practices

✓ Emotional Release (body-voice) facilitating the release of stored emotions

✓ Release physical tension and increase body awareness through mindful movement

✓ Somatic Trauma Integration, re-processing and integrating past traumatic experiences that may be stored in the body.

You will take advantage of a full personalized, somatic approach based on your individual needs - because everyone’s somatic experience is different! This enables you to explore and understand your own body and experiences.


to recover your resources
During the integrative, multimodal Sound & Frequency Therapy, relaxation is essential for your deep transformation. 

If you have already experienced my sound journeys, you may know already that they will guide you into profound states of relaxation and altered states of consciousness allowing your body and mind to recover and reconnect in your spiritual universe. Here are the types of journeys to relax and reconnect:: 

Sound Baths:
This immersive experience where various instruments are used (e.g., gongs, tibetan bowls, monochords) offer a rich tapestry of sound creating a feeling of vast spaces. The harmonious frequencies and soothing vibrational patterns promote a state of profound relaxation, helping you lower your stress levels, alleviate anxiety and facilitate emotional and physical healing. 
Binaural Beats:
By playing two slightly different frequencies in each ear, a pure auditory illusion is created, causing the brain to perceive a third frequency. This is known to improve concentration and mental clarity, can help you regulate your moods & manage anxiety and depression. It can also support better sleep by promoting relaxation and reducing insomnia!
Isochronic Tones:
This is known as the golden tool of Brainwave Entrainment. By using single tones that pulse on and off at regular intervals, rhythmic stimuli that guide brainwave activity are created. They can either be used to enter into specific brainwave states, such as relaxation (4-8 Hz) or focus (higher than 8 Hz). This is known to stimulate creative thinking and problem-solving, and to support emotional stability and stress relief.
Visioning Sound Journeys:
These sound journeys are guided experiences where sound and frequency lead you through imaginative and reflective processes.  They promote deep self-discovery and personal insight. Besides, they enhance your ability to visualize and manifest goals, while helping you process and release stored emotions.
Individual, intuitive and thematic compositions:
These personalized compositions & channeling are designed to support your specific therapeutic goals, especially your emotional healing. They allow you existential revelations, addressing your individual needs, and foster a deeper connection with your emotions and experiences. The experience can be integrated in reflective post-experiencing sessions, stimulating cognitive function, commitment to your goals and memory recall.
Intuitive chanting and vocalization:
Through the use of vocal sounds, chants, or mantras vibrational resonance is created, producing resonance in your body’s energy fields and promoting healing. The rhythmic vocalization helps calming your mind and body, relieving accumulated stress and encouraging self-expression and emotional release when you join chanting and toning.
Thematic Ambient Soundscapes:
You can also recover in background sounds designed to create a calming environment based on your sound preferences (such as nature sounds instruments). This not only enables your stress reduction, but improves your concentration and mental clarity by minimizing distractions. Such containing sound space will give you an overall emotional comfort, reinforcing your neural connections of well-being.


Each type of sound journey offers unique benefits , tailored to support various aspects of your mental, emotional, and physical well-being.
Not only will you recover and build up vital resources, paving the way for long-term change and wellness, but you will also have endless and inspiring options to design your personal transformation path!


Preparing for your eternal journey or supporting someone else through it, is not just about acceptance, and letting go, but about opening to frequencies and celebrating the continuity of the spirit.

Whether it's about yourself or guiding others on their path into the eternity, you, just like them, begin to increasingly perceive the transcendent connections. You start to see between the events, understand deeper meanings, and actively shape the path to peace. Essentially, your being prepares for what is to come, opening its perceptions beyond anything you have ever experienced before.

The sound and frequency-based support to individuals facing such a transformation and their loved ones is particularly special because it aligns with the essence of this Great Journey, which leads into the realm of pure vibrations. From one perspective, it involves processing and liberation, but from my view, it is primarily about opening up to the dimension of pure vibrations. In other words, those involved begin to naturally become more receptive to everything that vibrates, including both the individuals directly involved and their loved ones. My year-long experience has shown me that the less resistance there is to this emerging ability, the gentler the transition will be for everyone.

You can use the sound & frequency based therapy to either learn how to offer guidance to others in your environment, or even use it for yourself, enabling:
✓ Navigate the transition process with serenity 

✓ Processing and releasing emotional states such as grief, shock, disbielve, anger, guilt, fear & confusion 
✓ Achieve greater physical relaxation and restorative sleep
✓ Reduce stress, tension, and pain
✓ Deepen self-awareness, promoting a sense of balance and alignment within oneself
✓ Facilitate a deep spiritual connection to the higher self
✓ Foster empathy and understanding in interpersonal relationships
✓ Enhance communication and emotional connection
✓ Build coping skills and resilience for loved ones in facing challenges and inevitable life changes

✓ Create individual ceremonial frames for a graceful and memorable farewell



Sounding Constellations

Quantic & systemic oriented constellations in a multimodal approach, using the sound and the activtion of the morphogenetic field in a somatic context involving the voice, posture, VNS & embodiment

Primal Sound / inner child integration

Recovering your dignity and true identity & transforming old defense patterns into wisdom.

Rising Vibration Ceremonies

Connecting to joy and to the power of collective creation.
Rising Vibration Ceremony Trailer:
Somos Medicina Soul Sound Ceremony:

Sound Bathes & Journeys

Transcendental Theta sound healing sessions with crystal & Tibetan bowls, gongs, as well as further meditative instruments & voice. Example from Astral Sound Healing:

Individual Healing Sound Compositions

Personalized transforming songs and sound journeys that you can own and listen to.
Meditative Sound Poetry:
Chanting for Grace :
Incantation of Empowerment:

Voice Alchemy

Unfolding the self-healing power of your voice

Ceremonies of Transition

Processing intense emotions such as grief into forgiveness, reconnecting to the ancestors and enabling the restoration of inner peace (including support for clients and their families in palliative situations)

Heart, Brain & Body Coherence

A polivagal oriented training involving mindfulness, sound, body & voice enhancing the sense of safetyness, self-confidence, resilience & connection in enterprise teams

Note: In order to attend any of the modules, no special knowledge is required.  

To enrole in a group or in a one-to-one session, to book a certain module, to propose a collaboration or project, just send me a message on: 

Check also my EVENTS page, for coming modules!  


either online or in person, in Munich 80999:

Your investment: 

90 min. session: 150,- Euro

Languages: English & German

I am happy meeting you and your frequency!